Apply for computer accounts at AFs

All three facilities currently require users to register for a computing account, and the process is different for each. You are free to sign up for an account at each facility, but please contact your advisor if you are unsure of which site to use. This section will provide a brief description of the process of getting signed up to use the facilities.

Brookhaven National Lab

Brookhaven National Lab has two types of accounts. 1) lightweight Federated Identity account for accessing Jupyter instance at BNL SDCC and 2) full SDCC account which includes access to Jupyter as well as ssh access to analysis facility.

Lightweight Federated Identity Account

The Federated Identity account is quicker to get and users connect BNL AF resources only through the Jupyter Hub instance. Further details are found here: BNL Federated ID Account

Full SDCC Account

The main site for new user sign-up for a full SDCC account is here: BNL New User Account

Applying for a BNL computing account is a multi-step process. You will need to go through the following steps:

  • Register for a Guest Number (if you don't already have a valid Life or Guest Number)
    • Same for as if you were going to visit BNL campus
    • Most likely will need to upload photos of identification
    • Non-citizens will need to upload your CV
  • Complete CyberSecurity training and Computer Use agreement
  • Sign up for a New User Account
    • Complete directly on the BNL New User Account site above

University of Chicago

The UChicago AF user account signup process is much shorter than the other two labs, but still requires approval (which can take a few days). The website containing sign-up information is here: UChicago AF Website.

The process is as follows:

  • Account Creation
    • Multiple ways to sign up
    • Should use CERN email/info for quicker turnaround
  • Upload public SSH key (Necessary for access)

SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory

Information about ATLAS at SLAC and their registration process can be found here: SLAC ATLAS Support Center